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I am CHAOS >:)
I got "You have a chaotic vibe" and YES I love being a source of fun energy. What vibe did you get?
What's the meaning of a pink aura?
I saw a psychic recently and they told me that my aura was growing increasingly pink over the course of the session. We sort of got drawn in another direction so I didn’t really have an opportunity ...
What does it mean when a snake appears in my dream?
I've had recurring dreams about snakes for years. It's not the same dream, just dreams about/featuring snakes, and they never bite me, they're usually just...there. These dreams don't really bother me...
I had a dream where my teeth fell out. What does it mean?
Hello wikiHow! I’ve had a curious couple of days here and I’m wondering if you all could help me out. For the past two nights in a row, I’ve had dreams where my teeth fall out. In the first one,...
Yay for yellow aura!
I think it's so sweet that this quiz says I have a yellow aura and am like a human ray of sunshine! What color aura did everyone else get? Does it fit you?