Q&A for How to Hold a Farewell Party

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    What if I start crying? I get quite emotional when it comes to goodbyes.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Be open with your emotions and remember that you can still keep in touch with your friend.
  • Question
    What are some good suggestions for a sixth former's leaving party?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Relate it to graduation, maturing and going out into the big, wide world to do new things.
  • Question
    I need a flag for my party. How do I make one?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try visiting http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Flag
  • Question
    What should I wear to the party?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can wear anything you are comfortable in! I would recommend some nice jeans with a pretty top (for women) or long-sleeved button down shirt (for men). However, if you've been given guidelines for clothing (like a certain kind of attire or theme), make sure your outfit is suitable.
  • Question
    How do I cancel the party if I have to work?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If there's time, cancel the event via email. Ask the invitees to respond that they got the email and contact any of who do not respond by phone to make sure they received the message. Last minute cancellations, however, should always be done by phone. This guarantees all guests will receive the update and won't show up.
  • Question
    What if I fart and people hear that fart?
    Community Answer
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    Simply apologize and carry on.
  • Question
    Can I burn the American flag at the party?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Damaging or destroying the flag through intentional burning, ripping, trampling, staining, or mutilation is supremely disrespectful. Almost every state has a law or ordinance that prohibits defacing the flag through burning, trampling, or mutilation. Usually, this crime is defined as a misdemeanor and is punished with a fine, short jail time, community service, etc. However, in Illinois and Kansas, flag desecration can be ruled as a felony.
  • Question
    Should I attend the party if I have diarrhea?
    Community Answer
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    No, you do not want to transmit germs to any other party attendees or spend the entire time hovering around the bathroom.
  • Question
    How can I hold a farewell party for a person who is going to die?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You should not. That's not what farewell parties are for. Do not draw such attention to the person's imminent death. It's best to just spend some quality time together with the person and do what they want to do.
  • Question
    What if intoxicated people get into a violent fight at the party?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If an aggressive fight starts and one or many of the people fighting are drunk, force them out of the house to avoid anyone else getting hurt or pulled into the fight. Only attempt to break up the fight if you know you can. Don't risk yourself or others being injured. If necessary, call the police and have them taken away.
  • Question
    What if I break my arm while at the party?
    Top Answerer
    Call your country's emergency number, explain your injury, and let them come and take you to the hospital to be treated.
  • Question
    Why do people still do farewell parties when we're not supposed to?
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    Community Answer
    Who says we're not supposed to? Farewell parties are perfectly fine in many situations, though of course people have different individual preferences about these things. It might be inappropriate to hold a farewell party in a situation when someone is going away for a negative reason (e.g., being laid off from a job) and more appropriate when there is something positive to celebrate (e.g., getting a good new job).
  • Question
    How does the host welcome the guests at a farewell party?
    Harriet Smith Jones
    Harriet Smith Jones
    Community Answer
    Just smile and say, "Hello! Glad you could make it!" or something simple, like that. Offer them food and drink if it's available. Guide them to their seats if necessary.
  • Question
    Should I have a farewell party for someone coming back about a year later?
    Harriet Smith Jones
    Harriet Smith Jones
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can still have a farewell party. Wish them a safe trip, good luck and so on. But, in this situation, it's optional to have a farewell party. You could also have a "welcome back" party when they return, if you wish.
  • Question
    What if everyone can come except for the guest of honor?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could use a video chat program like Skype or FaceTime, but if it's at all possible, you should reschedule the party to accommodate the guest of honor.
  • Question
    What games should we play at a farewell party?
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    Think of what the person likes and does for a hobby. And think about the theme and the location that you're in. Find some games that relate to those.
  • Question
    Would it be okay to rent out a space for the party?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can definitely rent out a space. A lot of people do this for farewell parties.
  • Question
    Is an escape room a good place to start off the party?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    An escape room can make for a wonderful last bonding experience with the person who is leaving and would be a great farewell party beginning activity. After the escape room experience (usually a half hour to an hour), you could then ask everyone to move to the farewell party place, such as drinks in a local bar, a meal in a restaurant, or a party already set up back at the office.
  • Question
    Who should pay for it, the attendees or the guest of honor, i.e., the one who is leaving?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    Payment for a farewell party should always be made by those throwing it for the person leaving. After all, it's a treat and is something that honors the person's time with the institution or group and they shouldn't be placed in an awkward position of having to pay for their own honoring. In an office, school or other institutional setting, ask everyone attending to contribute a few dollars each so it all adds up to enough to hold a decent farewell event.
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