Q&A for How to Change the Subject in a Conversation

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    How do you change the subject without being awkward?
    Eze Sanchez
    Eze Sanchez
    Life & Relationship Coach
    Eze Sanchez is a Life & Relationship Coach and the Founder of Eze Sanchez Coaching in Gainesville, Florida. He's been practicing as a coach since late 2016 and has more than 1,000 hours of collective training and experience in personal development. He specializes in helping people find self-acceptance, self-empathy, and self-love through building accountability and kindness for themselves. Eze has an Associates Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Central Florida, a diploma in Massage Therapy from the Florida School of Massage, and a certificate from the Satvatove Institute School of Transformative Coaching.
    Eze Sanchez
    Life & Relationship Coach
    Expert Answer
    Just be honest! One degree of honesty could be saying "I'm not really finding this conversation engaging and I really want to enjoy our chat. Can we talk about something else instead?" You could also say something like "You seem really passionate about what you're talking about, but it's not really something I can relate to. Would it be okay if we find something that is relevant to both of us that we can both be excited to talk about?"
  • Question
    After a lengthy conversation on a topic, I asked if we could change the subject, twice. She responded "no" and kept going. We now have a difference of opinion on protocol. Am I wrong to not continue to listen? Or is she wrong not to let it go?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you don't want to keep listening or participating in the discussion, leave and find someone else to talk to. If she has a problem with that, explain to her (politely) that you didn't want to talk about that so you found a neutral solution.
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    How do I get out of an interview?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Tell them you have a family emergency and you will try to schedule it for another day - but never do.
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    All that my friends will talk about is a certain song -- they talk about it all day. When they found out I wasn't interested in it, they started ignoring me. I need some way to talk to them and steer the conversation away from that song. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Can you think of a topic that's of interest to you (so you can talk intelligently about it) and some of them? Ideally you'll be able to bring up something new and interesting about a subject the majority of people in the group also care about.
  • Question
    My mom is on vacation. I put a note in her purse about me shutting down my Instagram (it was taking up too much storage) and I'm scared she'll be mad! How can I change the subject?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you think she is going to be mad, you should definitely explain the situation to her. She will be much happier if you tell her the truth immediately, instead of waiting. Another option is to put yourself in her shoes, imagining her reaction to your decision. You should not try to change the topic, trust me. It can lead to lot of trouble, or it will only let you off the hook for a little bit. You have to tell her eventually.
  • Question
    You are with your coworkers and they start talking about something inappropriate-do you subtly redirect or do you make your opinion known that "this subject is inappropriate" and or go on to say why?
    Breathe Johnson
    Breathe Johnson
    Community Answer
    In this situation, it's okay to do either of those things. If the conversation is just a little inappropriate, then try redirecting it. But if what they're talking about is making you uncomfortable, then do let them know.
  • Question
    How do I change the subject in a conversation without being harsh?
    Breathe Johnson
    Breathe Johnson
    Community Answer
    I would just wait for a lull in the original conversation, then subtlety try redirecting a new conversation.
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