Q&A for How to Make a Lie Sound Convincing

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    My friends and I caught some people doing something major, and we told the teachers, but people keep asking us if we snitched. We came up with an alibi, but how do we remember it for a long time?
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    Quiz each other regularly on the alibi. The more frequently you recite it, including all of the necessary details, the more naturally it will come.
  • Question
    My voice always cracks when I lie, and my siblings and a few friends know this. What should I do?
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    Stand up straight and try to relax, and you should be fine. If you tend to lie to a specific person, try to crack your voice on purpose at other times so they will think it's just a random occurrence.
  • Question
    There is a girl in three of my classes who is rude to me and lies to the teachers every time I tell them. They choose to believe her instead of me. How do I make them believe me?
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    Get witnesses to stand up for you. Try getting any friends or acquaintances to hang out with you during those classes, and if she does it again, have them stand with you. The more people who say she is being rude, the more the teachers will believe you.
  • Question
    How can I do this in less than half a minute?
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    Provide a distraction to give you more time. Act normal, and don't make it too factual. Don't make too much eye contact with the person. Prepare some small lines in advance. Don't look guilty or too confident.
  • Question
    How can I think about a lie fast?
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    Community Answer
    It is very hard to think up a lie fast, but it must be done. Here are some tips. 1: Don't panic. Try to calm yourself down in an inconspicuous way. 2: Stall for time. If the person you need to lie to asked you a question, quickly decide if there was anything in the question you can pretend you didn't understand. If there is, ask a question about it so while they answer you can work on your lie. 3: Tell as much of the truth as you can without giving anything away. Chances are, if you try to make up too much, you will mess up and the person you are lying too will figure out that something is off.
  • Question
    The teachers suspect me of stealing a phone with proof. How do I react?
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    If you are sure you didn't steal the phone, you should tell them the truth and ask them politely if they could give you some time to prove it to them. If you did do it, own up to your mistake and apologize.
  • Question
    I have heard a bad rumor about a teacher and I accidentally told two of my friends about it after thinking it was correct. I don't want to ruin my reputation in school, so what could I say if I'm asked?
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    You could say the truth or that you are not so sure. If the truth comes out, it will ruin your reputation. Not to mention that you should watch your tongue around rumors in the future.
  • Question
    What could I do if my mother says she doesn't believe me?
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    All you can do is prove her wrong. Sometimes words aren't enough. Trust is earned.
  • Question
    What if the person that I am telling the lie to tries to see if it is a lie by saying, "so this is what happened" and they don't say what happened. Then I say "yes" and they caught me. Am I stuck?
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    Yes. You are definitely stuck there, buddy. You can't tell a lie and not expect it to come to the light.
  • Question
    I lied to my friend about talking to a guy, and she told him what I said. What do I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Well, it pretty much means the game is up. Now all three know that what you said was not true. You can always just stone cold keep denying things, but really, that won't do anyone any good. My advice: just talk to this guy and iron things out with him. Just start with hi, then explain how you feel about this little mix-up, and make the thing you wanted to talk about in the first place much more important than the "who talked to whom debacle". Don't avoid your own mistake; own it, admit it, but make what you wanted more important.
  • Question
    A girl backstabbed her friends and told me some shocking stuff about them. I asked them if it is true, and now they think that I'm lying about it. How can I make them believe me?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    A playing card is turned upside-down. You say it's the three of clubs, they don't believe you. When you turn it over, things will be 100% clear. Your kind of thing is much less open-and-shut, to the point where you may not be able to convince them at all. My advice would be to override the subject altogether. "Say, look guys, this is what she said to me, I'm asking you what's what, but in the end I don't really care, so let's forget about it."
  • Question
    How do I cover up a lie?
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    Look, there is no way to work around a lie. It'll just be found out in the end. The best thing is to say the truth. The truth may be ugly for a little while, but a lie is forever. Do the person you are lying to -- and yourself -- a favor.
  • Question
    I have secret phone and my parents don't know about it. Today when I charging my phone, I forgot to hide the charger and my mom found the charger in the blanket. What should I do?
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    Tell your mom. She may appreciate the honesty and understand. It's better to confess and stop the lying and hiding it from her.
  • Question
    I told a lie that I am not proud of. Now my friends have found out after I had finally figured a way to stop the lie from getting huge. I can't look at them, help me!
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Explain to your friends why you told the lie and then ask for their forgiveness. It can be quite hard to admit you lied but it is better to explain yourself than have rumors and gossip build around it that has nothing to do with the original reason you lied. Explaining will make you feel better and it may just save your friendships.
  • Question
    I am being accused of something I didn't do, and all the adults believe the girl who is accusing me. How can I get them to believe me?
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    Back yourself up with concrete evidence. If there is none, question whether or not those adults have a sense of you being trustworthy or not. If they don't, act your best around them.
  • Question
    What do I do if I get confronted about something and need to lie about it?
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    Stay calm and quickly think of a reasonable lie. It needs to have evidence to support it. Don't lie about people, though. If you do, it can be proven wrong. For example, if your parents asked you why you were up at night instead of sleeping and you were really playing games, tell them you were so worried about an assignment that you couldn't sleep and thought you might as well do the work instead until you got sleepy again.
  • Question
    I am lying that I’m dating a girl from another school, but people keep asking to see pictures of her. I have a picture, messed around so it can’t be backward-searched, but people say she’s too “pretty”. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you say something, it can be true or false. (In this case, false.) But whether people believe it or not does not change that status. If you were indeed dating a girl and they still didn't believe you, that girl wouldn't just disappear. To convince them of your lie, act a bit surprised why they'd think this. Also, don't follow; lead. If they ask for a picture, don't provide a picture, say "That's private, you'll meet her soon enough anyway", or "I have nothing to prove". Wrap this up by saying, in a week or two, that she ended the relationship, and don't lie like this again. Spend time talking to existing people.
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